Kopiko Coffee in Your Pocket
An extraordinary Journey
Available in more
than 100 countries
The pioneer of Coffee in your pocket and distributed across all continents
World’s No 1 Coffee
in Your Pocket
Recognized by the world
The First Coffee in Space
The only coffee astronauts can enjoy in zero gravity
The First Coffee in Space
The Process of World’s No 1 Coffee
in Your Pocket
From the rich soil volcanic mountain provides high quality coffee beans with unique flavor and taste
Planters use a centuries old tradition of handpicking to select the best coffee beans
Roasted in low temperature and release rich coffee aroma
Extracted with sophisticated technology for the best quality coffee
Coffee in Your Pocket


When you need high quality coffee but you can't have it, that's the time when Kopiko is there for you.

Have a Blister Pack in Your Pocket

Stay Awake, Stay On Top of your Life

Brewing up good times with great friends

Enjoy your real coffee anytime anywhere