Wow! Coffee Can Be a Productivity Booster

Working is often not easy, especially when you are required to continuously innovate. Every job has its own challenges, and the workload can vary greatly from one job to another. Responsibilities and pressures, both internal and external, can make you feel trapped. When you are in a condition like this, productivity can decrease.
Productivity is the main key to success in work. If you lose productivity, work can be chaotic. If you feel trapped, finding a way to get productive again is an important step to keep work running smoothly. One way that can help is to consume food or drinks that can boost your spirits.
Interesting Facts about Coffee
Coffee is often considered one of the most effective ways to increase work productivity. Research from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine shows that caffeine in coffee can increase alertness, reasoning, orientation, attention, and perception. Many people have felt the positive benefits of coffee to maintain work enthusiasm.
In addition, coffee can also be beneficial for your mental health. Research from the University of North Carolina shows that coffee can reduce stiffness and increase self-confidence in work. Drinking coffee with coworkers in the office can also strengthen social relationships, making the work environment more comfortable.
The Best Time to Drink Coffee
Many people think that drinking coffee at night is the best, but actually this time is not ideal. If you feel tired, it is better to rest so that your brain stays fresh rather than relying on coffee. The best time to enjoy coffee is between 09.30 and 11.30 and in the afternoon between 13.30 and 15.30. These times are when concentration often decreases, and coffee can help restore it.
Increase Productivity with Coffee
In many parts of the world, coffee consumption has become part of a lifestyle, not just a drink. Workers and productivity are interrelated and must go hand in hand. A monotonous work routine can make you feel bored and reduce productivity. Consuming coffee can help overcome this problem because the dopamine compound in the brain will be stimulated, providing new stimuli that refresh the mind and trigger creative ideas.
The benefits of coffee for productivity have indeed been proven. Enjoy Kopiko Lucky Day according to your needs and invite coworkers to drink coffee while chatting lightly about work. In this way, your productivity can increase and the work environment becomes more enjoyable.